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There are no Address Files ready now, if you just started one, it may take a while to show up, sometimes over an hour or more for really big downloads

Your emailer program can unpack/unzip these compressed files or you can go to this site and get this simple free proven program to unpack the files: Compressed File Unzipper. Newer Window's OSs use this one: "Download .msi 64-bit x64 1MB".

When you have installed the 7zip program and downloaded the data file from us. open up Windows Explorer and find the data file you just downloaded from this site. It will have a filename like mydatafromohio.csv.tar.bz.. Now highlight the data file and right click on it, then select "Extract Here" It will create another file called mydatafromohio.csv.tar . Now highlight the new file and right click on it, then select "Extract Here" AGAIN. It will create a new file mydatafromohio.csv. Now you will have the basic CSV text file that you can open with Excel, Notepad, or any other editor or word processing program. Another similar app can be found here at e7z.org.They have an app for Macs. Note, always make back-ups of your files.

Your Search Query and Download History

Downloaded Files

Query DescriptionFile Name

12/16/24 14:491,000,000 Remote Transfer to #124884
10/22/24 15:28500 Remote Transfer to #131612
10/21/24 18:00500 Remote Transfer to #131611
10/21/24 13:451,000,000 Remote Transfer to #124884
02/28/24 08:255,000 Remote Transfer to #127620
12/21/23 11:3160,000 Remote Transfer to #124884
12/14/23 08:511,000,000 Remote Transfer to #124884
12/13/23 21:465,000 Remote Transfer to #124855
Total Records Downloaded = 3,071,000